Have you ever wondered about what happens to all of our discarded thoughts--the ones that are born in sin and abandoned for salvation? Or those beautiful ideas that never make it to fruition in this medium of life? Are they pushed to the other ninety percent of our brains do they raise each other and grow feral? Do we dream of them at night or do they have worlds where they are kings and rulers? Do they bear their own children? To think is to become, right?
Well we thought and they became... Our thoughts left alone, unguarded and untended have their own minds now. Our imaginations from childhood haven't stopped existing because we stopped believing. If we were to visit these places again after years of neglect we would see that time has passed there as well--some place familiar but not quite the same. There are those who know the way back, and those who can escape this reality and disappear into thoughts and imaginings-- that worm-holed world stored within us. We choose how to face our existence we also choose how to escape it...
This one blows my mind!